Things for Homes / Homes for Things - Book
An artist book that charts the seemingly simple gesture of giving sculpture to people for their houses, and the thoughts and conversations that underpin it.

Can a sculpture survive in the home without being domesticated into just another object—a door stop or something you hang your hat on? What are the civic duties we assign to sculpture today, in comparison to the post-war nation-building and reassertion of civilisation?

At the heart of Things for Homes / Homes for Things are conversations about our social relationship to objects and the spatial relations these depend on. Prevett’s enquiry is intimate and gentle, occurring as it does on a domestic scale in the homes of people who don’t own art, and perhaps have never cared for it that much before. Without the expectations and politics that grand publicness entails, it embraces instead the potential for social connection through making and giving of sculpture to strangers.

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Filed under:
publication, sculpture

Amzing Rubbish Sculpture
With Lempi Prevett
A video workshop made with Lempi Prevett (my daughter) making models for new public sculptures. Commissioned by FLOCK. Watch the video here:
Filed under:
workshop, collaboration

Parts (for Muuri) scores
With Maarit Mustonen
A publication of visual and musical scores made collectively with children, musicians and a composer. The scores were made at and in response to a temporary public sculpture by Joni Kärkkäinen and Jukka Tarvainen for the Helsinki Biennial 2021. Images by Maarit Mustonen and Ilona Burstoff

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Transitional Modelling
Amos Rex, Helsinki
A collective clay modelling workshop. The workshop was devised for the Schoooooool with Many Holes,  a parasitic asrt school withing Amos Rex art museum. Participants were both the model and the artist at the same time. They created many faced heads guded by timed exercises to music.

Filed under:
workshop, sculpture